
Weak worldbuilding and shallow characters

Arclight - Josin L McQuein

von Josin L McQuein

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

The book could have been so good: it has such a unique idea of a dystopian world and the premise sounded so interesting.

Unfortunately the book had way too many flaws.
A big one is the almost non-existent world-building. I had huge problems imagining or even understanding this world. There are hardly any despricptions about what happenend or just simply how the world looks like. Every time the characters were talking to each other and were looking for answers, I thought ok now they are going to explain things but suddenly they changed the topic and left me all confused. Many times I had to pick up pieces myself and set them together to try to understand the world and its creatures. I still don't know if I got it right. The author just didn't describe anything.

Another problem were the shallow characters. To me they felt ageless and without personality. There were no emotions, nothing for the reader to feel with them. That made it really difficult to differentiate the characteres. Everyone could have been everyone.

The general writing style was ok and it also started quite promising but I just never got hooked and just wanted to get it over with. I will not read the second book in this series.