
Worth it for the first story

Halloween Carnival Volume 3 - Taylor Grant, Kate Maruyama, Kelley Armstrong, Michael McBride

Halloween Carnival Volume 3
von Taylor Grant Kate Maruyama Kelley Armstrong Michael McBride

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

The Way Lost (Kelley Armstrong)
My favorite story in the collection with a great solution. *****

La Calavera (Kate Maruyama)
The ending provided a nice, though foreseeable twist. **

The Devil's Due (Michael McBride)
This felt like a routinely written story with enough details and a clever plot, but it did not provoke any strong feelings while reading it. ***

A Thousand Rooms of Darkness (Taylor Grant)
It was OK I think, but also the least memorable - I must admit I already forgot most of it. **

The Last Night of October (Greg Chapman)
The last story was also the longest, which is my main complaint: the whole 'foreplay' between the old man and his nurse was lengthy and slowed the story down considerably. Only when Gerald finally told his story things got interesting. **

The first story was the only one that really excited me and made this anthology worth reading.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)