
Wunderschöne Illustrationen und Einleger

The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book
von Rudyard Kipling

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

A beautiful collection of stories that include the well-known tale of the boy Mowgli, who grew up among wolves in the jungle. He was taught in the ways of the jungle by the bear Baloo and is grateful to the wise panther Bagheera, who made it possible for Mowgli to stay with the wolves. Furthermore we learn about the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the stubborn little seal Kotick, and many more creatures who live in the jungle, the ocean and other wild places.

I have to admit that I was surprised about all the others stories in The Jungle Book. Even though Mowgli's story takes up the greatest part of all the stories, because it is dealt with in three chapters, I was surprised that the fourth chapter suddenly didn't play in the jungle and neither Mowgli nor any other creature we have met before takes part in this story. I really enjoyed all the other stories and was pleasently surprised about the tales included. The white seal Kotick for example is a stubborn little fellow, because he doesn't take no for an answer and swims through the ocean year after year in order to find a safe haven for himself and all the other seals that are killed by humans. I enjoyed his story and the one about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the most after Mowgli's adventures.
This edition is extra special, because of the lovely illustrations and interactive elements. Included are maps of the journeys a few of the characters experience, dials that spin in order to make certain characters dance, handwritten laws of the jungle and so much more. I love books into which the designers put so much thought and it makes the reading experience a lot more memorable. The illustrations are drawn with detail and love and the cover is already an eye-catcher everybody will fall in love with immediately.
But be aware that the stories have been written in the late 19th century and archaic grammar might hinder readers who aren't used to old forms of pronouns. Thou (:D) will be thrown at with the differences of thou, thee, thy, ye and many more, but overall the language isn't difficult at all and includes simple sentences all along. Don't expect Shakespearean English and mixed up sentences. Rudyard Kipling won't talk anything like Yoda, but just be aware, that a few words might seem weird. But personally I enjoyed this a lot, because it makes you actually feel that you are reading a classic and not some run-of-the-mine book.

I fell in love with this illustrated edition right away. When my preorder finally arrived, I had to glimpse through the pages and smiled all along. It's just beautiful and it makes a great gift for book lovers, but is jsut as perfect as a little treat to oneself. Go ahead and buy it right away. I bet you will fall in love just as much as I did. This edition receives 5 out of 5 points, because of the lovely illustrations and interactive elements.