
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel -

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel

von Jessica Brody

“Every novelist should own a copy of this book. It will change the way you think about stories—and your writing. Jessica Brody takes the mystery and frustration out of plotting a novel. I’ll never write another book without a copy of  Save the Cat! Writes a Novel.” --Kami Garcia, #1  New York Times best-selling coauthor of  Beautiful Creatures and author of  Broken Beautiful Hearts "Good plotters aren't born. They're formed by studying the twists and turns of others' stories.  Save the Cat! Writes a Novel is a perfect plot study tool for all levels of writer. It will help you dissect any plot conundrum, conceive your story's blueprint, and give a beat to every pivot of your hero's journey." --Grant Faulkner, executive director of National Novel Writing Month and author of  Pep Talks for Writers: 52 Insights and Actions to Boost Your Creative Mojo “Through its insightful use of beat sheets, genres, and trade secrets, this book is an invaluable guide through the daunting task of writing a novel.”  -- Jessica Khoury, author of  The Forbidden Wish and Last of Her Name “This playful, illuminating book is a godsend for anyone seeking to understand story structure for novels.” --Emmy Laybourne, author of the international bestselling  Monument 14 trilogy, and the novels  Sweet, Berserker and Ransacker

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DER Schreibratgeber schlechthin, der euch genau dort abholt, wo ihr steht! ♥


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“You ‚need‘ a good story. And I’m going to help you get there.“ Seite 2

Jedem erfolgreichen Buch liegt eine 15-Punkt-Struktur, bestehend aus wirksamen Schlüsselszenen, zugrunde – egal ob Romance-Bestseller oder Klassiker. Das behauptet und beweist Jessica Brody an konkreten Beispielen und versorgt uns mit einem „Plot-Rezept“, an dem sich Autor:innen sowohl orientieren...


Weitere Infos

320 Seiten
Random House LLC US
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 3.5 (1 Bewertung)

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