
Dead of Winter (Dead Seasons, #2) - Kealan Patrick Burke

Dead of Winter (Dead Seasons, #2)

von Kealan Patrick Burke

Winter isn't coming…it's already here, and with it comes a horror no door can keep out.

It's there in the yard, in the faces of the snowmen a young boy doesn't remember building.

It's in the oddly empty streets below Santa Claus's crumbling sleigh.

It's in the unnatural movement of the snow that suffocates a widower's town, and in the cold eyes of a lonely man's estranged children.

Here, there is no holiday cheer, only spine-chilling fear, in the DEAD OF WINTER.

Featuring seven stories, an introduction by the author, and a list of recommended books for the winter season.

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"Winter came, as harsh as grief. The earth grew icy teeth; the ground froze. (...) And snow fell endlessly, whispering rapturously of autumn's death. The cold clambered at the house, huffed at the sills, trying to find a way in. It needn't have bothered. It was plenty cold inside."

Bereits diese wenigen Zeilen reichen, um ein Gefühl dafür zu vermitteln, mit welcher Kraft Kealan Patrick Burke den Leser immer wieder auf's Neue packt. "Dead of Winter" beinhaltet sieben...


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Kealan Patrick Burke
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Durchschnitt: 5 (1 Bewertung)

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