
The Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot

The Princess Diaries

von Meg Cabot

'You're not Mia Thermopolis any more, honey,' Dad said. 'You're Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo. Princess of Genovia.'

A PRINCESS?? ME??? Yeah. Right.

One minute Mia's a totally normal Manhattan 14-year-old. Next minute she's heir to the throne of Genovia, being trailed by a trigger-happy bodyguard, taking princess lessons with her bonkers old grandmere, and having a makeover with someone called Paolo. Well, her dad can lecture her till he's royal-blue in the face, but no way is Mia going to turn herself into a style-queen. And they think she's moving to Genovia? Er, hello?

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot has been a phenomenal global success. This ever-popular series continues in the second book, A Royal Disaster .

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch


In the first Princess Diaries novel by Meg Cabot, Mia Thermopolis finds out that her father is the prince of Genovia, a small european country that nobody has ever heard of. And because her father can't have kids anymore, this in turn makes her the only heir to the throne of Genovia. You might imagine what a shock that is for a 14-year-old girl.

It was just a matter of time until I decided to write a review of this novel. It's probably my most re-read novel of all time and it's been...


Nett - aber einfach nicht mein Genre

Mia ist sich sicher, dass es nichts Schlimmeres gibt, als eine 1,75m große, flachbrüstige Neuntklässlerin, die in Algebra durchfällt zu sein - bis sie herausfindet, dass sie die Thronerbin eines kleinen europäischen Staates ist. Nun muss sie lernen, dass es immer schlimmer kommen kann!

Ich glaube, wenn das knallpinke Büchlein nicht auf der Gratis-Ablage an der Uni liegen würde, wäre ich daran vorbeigerannt, hätte höchstens noch einen verschreckten Blick auf ein PINKES Buch...


Weitere Infos

Jugendbücher ab 11 Jahre
240 Seiten
Macmillan Publishers International
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 4.5 (4 Bewertungen)

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