
Best part of the series

Champion - Marie Lu

von Marie Lu

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

I did like "Legend" but it didn't overwhelm me, I didn't like "Prodigy", this made my expectations for "Champion" quite low but I got surprised, in a good way. For me the final part of the Legend series was the best one.

For most of the book the storyline was interesting and thrilling. I liked the world buildiing a lot here. Especially the level system in Ross City was very impressive and an amazing idea.
I still think the characters were way too young for their behaviour, they felt a lot older to me.

The ending...yeah, even after a night of sleep I am not really sure what to think about it. I kind of liked it because it wasn't the typical YA dystopia ending but after all I am a fan of a round happily ever after ending, so I am seeing it with mixed feelings.