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Solo - William Boyd

von William Boyd

A long time fan of James Bond and reader of nearly every Bond novel published in the last 30 years I must say that William Boyd did a very thorough and good job !

His writing style is very close to Fleming's original Bond novels without all technical knickknack and he puts Bond in the correct biographical timeline. He stays true to the known characters of the Fleming novels (M, Moneypenny, Felix Leiter ..) and cleverly introduces new and well done characters (and names).

His profound knowledge of Africa is put to good use and the conspiracy and action are cleverly plotted, gripping and believable.

In my opinion with "Solo" Boyd wrote the best Bond novel since Ian Fleming !!!

I very much enjoyed this book and hope that the Fleming trust may trust another Bond novel to Wililam Boyd (even though the last years have shown, that every new Bond novel is written by another well-known author).


If I remember correctly Bond never once says the fabulous phrase "The name is Bond, James Bond!" nor does he take his Martini "shaken, not stirred" (I think that phrase never appeared in the Fleming novels either and was just made up for the movies) but Boyd gives us Bond's own recipe for a Vinaigrette. Has anyone already tried to mix it