
Tame Terry

Raising Steam - Terry Pratchett

Raising Steam
von Terry Pratchett

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen

This is my first try to write a review in English - please consider English is not my first language, but maybe you enjoy it nevertheless.  ;)


There once was a guy named Dickie
who built an iron horse quickly.
His mother cried "no!"
but Dick said "let's go!"
from there the tale got tricky.

And then there is our dearest Lord
Vetinari, boss of Ankh-Morpork
he kills like he speaks
unseen and everyone squeaks
and lives in his own accord.

And here is - too - King Harry,
who isn't at all that scary
he sees a future and money
a land with milk and honey
- no reason to be wary.

And Moist is spoken to
by his Lord and master who
is a tyrant but a clever one
realising that the past is gone
deciding to make a brilliant coup.

And there are the dwarfs, the little guys
with their axes and minds (not soooooo wise)
roaring and grumbling and being unfair
(not all of them, but a lot of the lair)
until their king has to stand and to rise.

And don't forget the goblin boys
they work so hard and that by choice
because they love technology
no matter the form it comes to be
(maybe they simply like the noise).

And all of this is getting down
when some of the grags decide to frown
and holler that's not the dwarfish way
which means all things have to keep and to stay
and they don't stop and steal the Low King's crown.

And there it could be not enough
they feed the young ones with all that stuff
of lies and chase them down the hills
to destroy the train and do the kills
and leave the patrician in a huff.

So Vetinari had to join in
and he told Moist von Lipwig to go and win
at all costs the people to understand
in Ankh-Morpork as also in hinterland
that slaughter of train boys is a sin.

This is the story and it is told
by the master of storys the known and old
boy Pratchett-Terry who writes and drives
the disc world to a lot of lives.
But nothing there to break the mold.

The plot goes like a rolling stone
up and down to smile and moan
cause the lack of real Terryan wit
that shows the real world a bit
and brought him to the fandom's throne.