
A bit too complicated and a bit too obscure

Waiting for an Earl Like You - Alexandra Hawkins

Waiting for an Earl Like You
von Alexandra Hawkins

I enjoyed reading this book even though Thorn, our hero and his attidude turned out to be indeed a (teeny tiny) thorn in my side. In the end, when I got the much-anticipated and much-needed HEA, I forgave him a lot but seriously, you can't always forgive everything just because people are in love and tend to do stupid things to get what they want, can you?
But let's get back to the beginning, when Thorn finds his (identical) twin Gideon and their neighbour Olivia out on the water in a boat together. Again. The two of them always shared a special bond that left him at the outside. Of course he doesn't need them because, well, he is the heir and he is important get it, right?
Somehow it matters, despite all his attemps to convince himself of the opposite.
A kind of tug o' war starts with Thorn on the one side and Gideon on the other, when they all go to London for the Season where Olivia is supposed to find a husband - as soon as possible, acccording to her father and his almost betrothed who want to have the house to themselves when they marry.

Thorn does everything to seduce Olivia and I must admit that I was really upset because I hate when the hero thinks that it is alright to risk their beloved's ruin in order to get what they want. Soon they find themselves betrothed, albeit temporarily according to Olivia's father but Thorn is very willing to turn it into a more permanent option. Gideon wants to protect Olivia, even if he has to protect her from his own brother, Thorn wants to protect her from some other rather unsavory people and while all this protecting goes around, well, things get really tight and dangerous.

Sometimes I felt like everything was a bit too complicated, too many people were involved and things were a bit too obscure but on the whole I liked the book and would read it again.