
Before I Go.

Before I Go - Colleen Oakley

Before I Go
von Colleen Oakley

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen

"A cancer diagnosis can be particularly stressful, but I find it's all about perspective. I mean, we're all dying aren't we? I could walk out of here and get hit by a bus this evening. Really, none of us have any control over when we die, and that's the frightening part. The loss of control."

Before I Go is a standalone, women's fiction novel written by author Colleen Oakley.

Daisy has survived breast cancer at the young age of 24, and on the eve of her "Cancerversary" she finds out that she has "Lots of Cancer". After her yearly checkup, her doctor discovers that her cancer is aggressive and she may have only a few months to live. After considering life after her death, she decides finding her husband a new wife is how she will focus her time.

It was a struggle for me to get through this book. There were so many times I wanted to give up. I expected this to be a heartbreaking and emotional read, but honestly I was bored. I didn't connect with either of the characters or even feel the connection between them as a couple. It made it hard to get invested in the story and to care about what they were going through. This book just wasn't for me.

Not an awful book but certainly has room for improvement but if you like a chick-lit style book with a serious edge, you might enjoy this one. It was an okay book for me.