
Darkest Powers series #2.

The Awakening - Kelley Armstrong

The Awakening
von Kelley Armstrong

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

"There was no closing my eyes and sliding back into that blissful dream of normal. This was my normal now."

In book one of the DARKEST POWERS series, THE SUMMONING, Chloe and several of her friends escaped from the group home they had been living in. Now, Chloe and Rae are recaptured by the Edison Group, a shady organization that has genetically altered them to try and make use of the powers that many of them were born with.

This was... fun. That is seriously the best word I come up with. This wasn't great in terms of plotline, characters or anything really but I just found myself enjoying it. It was funny at times and very easy to read. I'm smitten with Simon, and can't wait to see what happens in the final book.

The pacing could be better (meaning I wouldn't complain if things moved along somewhat) and the relationships could be clearer but overall it's a pleasant experience and I'm eager to read the final book. I did enjoy the book, I'm just mad that I didn't love it to death, but we can love them all that way right?