

The Maze Runner 4. The Kill Order - James Dashner

The Kill Order
von James Dashner

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

The plot for The Kill Order is simple; it's the end of the world, sun flares are destroying the Earth, and a group of teenagers are trying their best to survive the apocalypse. Along with the solar flares, men in green suits are coming out of the sky in Bergs, shooting random people with darts that contain a deadly virus. The group of teenagers try to discover the cure to the virus by doing incredibly stupid things all while trying not to get synched by the solar flares.

The Kill Order along with having a new set of characters, had a ton of action. Non stop action, actually. I lost interest in the book, because nothing else was going on besides the action. Sure, action is fantabulous, but there’s a limit to how much you can have in a single book.

I don't know, I guess The Kill Order just wasn't for me.