
Fixed #3.

Forever with You - Laurelin Paige

Forever with You
von Laurelin Paige

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

"We know that we're worth the fight. SHE'S worth the fight…. She's mine. And I'm hers. Completely and absolutely."

Forever With You is the third  part of the Fixed series by Laurelin Paige and it picks up right where the previous part ended.

Hudson and Alayna damaged and almost broken, deliciously flawed and addicted to each other, conclude their love story that may have started as a highly elaborated farce but it turned out their opportunity, salvation and future.

I had such high hopes with this series when I read book 1. Yes they had issues but instead of getting better together they continued to mess up every day! It's like one day couldn't go by with no drama.
This latest installment was no different. They solved everything with sex. Alayna was a whiney. Hudson withheld information and refused to tell her.

Alayna's issues drove me crazy! All the strength I though she had in the first book slowly drifted away with each passing paragraph. She wasn't sharing what she was feeling. She was getting more and more paranoid, jealous and obsessive with her behavior. And her reasoning was manipulative.

However, Hudson holds some blame as well. Keeping such a big secret from Alayna, which could have been resolved with a heartfelt conversation earlier in their relationship, was definitely not cool. And due to his fear, he kept dismissing Alayna's concerns and refused to talk to her about very important issues, which made the book super frustrating.

While Alayna tended to get obsessed with people.Hudson loved getting people to obsess over him. I'll admit, in one way their relationship did seem a bit dysfunctional at first .But I could also see that it was their understanding of each-others past and issues, that finally kept them together.

At the end I'm not impressed with the series. It was drawn out and repeatative so I skipped a few chapters. Overall, this was a series that started strong, but ultimately lost its luster in increments with each passing book.