
Fixed #6.

Fixed Forever - Laurelin Paige

Fixed Forever
von Laurelin Paige

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

“So maybe our whole relationship, when I’d thought we worked because we fixed each other’s broken parts, was wrong. Maybe we hadn’t fixed each other at all—because we didn’t need fixing. We needed healing and understanding. We needed patience and optimism. We needed dreams instead of nightmares and light instead of darkness. We needed trust. And we’d given each other all of that.”

Alayna and Hudson have been together for seven years now. Their daughter Mina is four and the twins are almost a year old.

They’ve settled into their relationship. Alayna still has her moments of anxiety which make her act a all crazy but Hudson takes it all in stride. He loves his wife and all her idiosyncrasies. Not for one moment does he view her as weak or make her feel as if she’s broken.  He’s been on high alert because Hudson has been receiving very cryptic and scary letters that indirectly threaten Alayna and his children. Hudson tries to keep this from Alayna because she has been having a rough time after the birth of their twins and her anxiety levels had been on an all-time high.

Hudson is trying to unsuccessfully juggle family life, work and the bad people. He'll do anything in his power to protect the ones he loves.
But will he be able to prevent tragedy from striking the Pierce family?

There was mystery but there was also a lot of frustration in ths book. All in all it was an okay read. I'm going to break up with Laurelin Paige, I never really like her books and I've given a lot of them chance after chance but I guess they are just not my cup of tea.