
Hush, Hush #1.

Hush, Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick

Hush, Hush
von Becca Fitzpatrick

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

“All this time I've hated myself for it. I thought I'd given it up for nothing. But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.”

The story follows a girl called Nora who lives a normal life with her mom and her bestfriend Vee. One day the Coach decides to change their seats for a project and she gets to sit with Patch, a boy who rarely talked. At the first words they exchanged she felt something new inside her. She couldn't stand him because of his arrogance but also couldn't deny the feelings. Also things started to happen, new things, new people, new troubles in her life. She felt the need to learn more, more about Patch, but was she ready to know?

In general, this was a super quick read. The writing is very straightforward, the chapters are short, and the plot pacing is pretty fast. I also thought the content was more interesting than I expected. I dont know anything about fallen angels and I dont really delve into the paranormal scene, but there was just enough air of mystery to keep me captivated. I think this book served as a really good intro into the concept and laid a lot of groundwork for the rest of the series.