
I wish,... I liked it more.

Second Chance Boyfriend: One Week Girlfriend Book 2 - Monica Murphy

Second Chance Boyfriend: One Week Girlfriend Book 2
von Monica Murphy

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

"I’ve always run away in the past. But you, Fable. You make me want to stay."

This picked up right where it left off from the first book, Drew and Fable finally realise that they both needed to make some changes in their lives and despite the hardships they face individually, they were there for each other as a couple.

I like that it is told from the point of view of each of the characters, it gives you different views of the story from their perspective.

But..., I really really wanted to love this book but I'm sad to say I didn't. I liked Drew and Fable in One Week Girlfriend and couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book. I loved the intensity and build up of their relationship. I was so happy to hear Second Chance Boyfriend was going to be a longer read but I ended up struggling to get through it.

The epilogue was great, though.