
Now I can't wait to watch the movie!

The 5th Wave - Richard Yancey

The 5th Wave
von Richard Yancey

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

“If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans.” - Stephen Hawking

The 5th Wave is about first contact and what happens next, an alien invasion of the earth that takes place over several waves. 1st Wave: lights out. 2nd Wave: surf's up. 3rd Wave: pestilence. 4th Wave: Silencer. Our protagonist, Cassie, has lost everyone - except for her younger brother Sammy, who she has made it her sole mission to rescue. This book shows us many characters' perspectives, Ben Parish, a former high school football player Cassie once had a crush on, who now fights against the Others in an attempt to save the world. Evan Walker who saves Cassie.

Rick Yancey sets up the world perfectly and there's little fault to be found there. The narration is introduced by Cassie, who tells the reader of her life before the aliens came and the 4 waves that subsequently wiped out most of the human population. Her story, like the many others shown later, is not a happy one.

So of course some elements involving an alien-invasion weren't exactly new (If you've read The Host by Stephenie Meyer, which I loved) and also at points Rick Yancey wrote like it's supposed to be this big plot twist, but it was all very obvious and easy to guess.

Overall, really interesting story with a lot of intriguing and captivating characters. Not as great as 'The Host', though. Pacing was a bit up and down for me but I recommended it to fans of young-adult science-fiction and dystopia, as well as to those who want to see the movie. Hoping the second book delves even deeper than the first.