
Once again, this book is hilarious and witty and simply crazy!

Shopaholic & Sister - Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic & Sister
von Sophie Kinsella

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

Another great addition to the Shopaholic series. In this 4th novel in the Shopaholic series, Becky thought being married to Luke Brandon would be one big Tiffany box of happiness. But to be honest, it's not quite as dreamy as she'd hoped. The trouble started on honeymoon, when she told Luke the tiniest little fib, about the teeniest little purchase. Now she's on a strict budget, she doesn't have a job, and, worst of all, her beloved Suze has a new best friend. On top of all that, Becky meets her half sister that she didn't know she had, and to her disappointment, she's her polar opposite.

So, obviously, we meet a new character. I did warm up to her at the end I guess. The long lost sister angle did add some emotional waves to the story, and we still had a lot of the good old gullible Becky and her inability to say "No". I especially enjoy how she makes up these whole scenarios in her head of what she thinks she can make happen. It's so absurd that it's adorable.

Sophie Kinsella is one of my favorite authors, and I love the Shopaholic series. I find them witty, humorous, exciting, and so much fun to read. This series is  excellent for when I want to read something light, because they're well-written and they have such likable characters. I personally find Becky to be the perfect blend of silly and intelligent. Plus, I just love Becky with Luke.

I honestly thought I would get bored with this series as I kept reading on, but the opposite is actually true! I can't wait to read the fifth book, Shopaholic & Baby and laugh even more!