
Short and enjoyable.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - Stephenie Meyer

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
von Stephenie Meyer

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this, I mean Bree's character only has a tiny part in Stephenie Meyers Twilight world so she and the rest of the newborns can’t really have much of a story to tell, can they? Well as it turns out the answer is; Yes. At 178 pages this novella manages to also give up some new revelations regarding Jane and the Volturi. Jane is evil but we all knew that! And I absolutely loved seeing Carlisle, Jasper, Bella and Edward from an outsider’s perspective.

And for the first time since reading Eclipse, I wished with all my heart that things could have been different for Bree Tanner.