
Sweet, sexy and hilarious.

Sweet Filthy Boy - Christina Lauren

Sweet Filthy Boy
von Christina Lauren

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

“Life is built of these little horrible moments and the giant expanses of awesome in between.”

Mia Holland has just graduated from college. With her two best friends in tow, the trio decide to live it up in Las Vegas for one weekend of fun celebrating their college accomplishment. There she meets a sexy frenchman Ansel, and the two get married. Mia ends up following Ansel to France, where he returns to work and is hardly around. Mia finds herself mostly alone, in a foreign land, when she decides to make the most of her summer in Paris and with Ansel.

Escaping to Paris and extending her fling brings both of them together, they push the boundary of their sexual life which change the direction of their growing relationship. What starts as fun and careless transforms to something strong and meaningful. That summer changes both their life, even Ansel the most impulsive and fun loving is also struggling to right his past and have a normal life, but when Mia finally considers to remain married to Ansel his past threatens their future.

There was a perfect balance to the lighthearted humor and the developing love story. The kind of love story where the characters have to work their way backwards from where they start to where they end. Falling in love with the idea of each other, without knowing one another. But knowing that the instant chemistry and the desire they feel is every bit real.

If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh, make you grin, make you feel good and has that sweet and sexy romance vibe with some fabulously lovable characters, check this one out!