
The Hating Game

The Hating Game - Sally Thorne

The Hating Game
von Sally Thorne

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

“All I want to do is kiss you until I fall asleep. I want to slide in between your sheets, and find out what goes on inside your head, and underneath your clothes. I want to make a fool of myself over you.”

I've been seeing The Hating Game everywhere for well over a year now and avoided it solely due to my phase of being constantly disappointed by the majorly hyped books. I could just about slap myself silly for pushing this aside for so many months, because it was worth the hype and much more. While a little slow in the first few chapters, the story quickly takes off once the scene is set and I'm forced to admit something I absolutly loved it.

This is Sally Thorne's debut novel and I have to say - job well done! I love romcoms and this one certainly hit the spot. A book about two co-workers battling it out in the office. You see, there is an opening for a job which they both want. Let the games begin.

Lucy Hutton met Josh Templeman when Gamin Publishing and Bexley Books merged to avoid financial ruin. They are the executive assistants to the two owners of “Bexley & Gamin” publishing house and they have been hating each other from the moment they met. Well...almost! Lucy and Josh are opposites in every way. While Lucy is sweet, fun and quirky, Josh is grumpy and cynical. From the very beginning, Lucy and Josh have been playing different games – games like ‘The Staring Game’, 'The Mirror Game’, ‘The HR Game’ and of course ‘The Hating Game’ - trying to frustrate and intimidate each other.

The witty banter between these two was fantastically done. They made me smile and grin so many times as the story progressed and I really had a great time watching them hate each other less and less and slowly falling in love. The sexual tension between these two at times was…combustible and all the sexy teasing…so good! LOVED IT!

I honestly think The Hating Game is that kind of book anyone would enjoy, wonderfully written is a very entertaining way, griping from the very beginning and perfect if you love enemies to lovers stories. It was fabulous! It was fun, entertaining and so refreshing. Needless to say, I devoured this little gem from start to finish. All in all, it was a great debut novel. If you are looking for a fun, sweet enemies to lovers story, with two engaging, well developed main characters and delightful dialogue, don’t hesitate and pick this one up