
Very sad lovestory...

The Fault in our Stars - John Green

The Fault in our Stars
von John Green

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

In cancer support group 16-years old Hazel Grace meets Augustus Waters. She has lung cancer since she was 12 and Gus had Osteosarcoma. They have not defeated their cancer at all, but currently they are "healthy". From the first moment they like each other really much and begin to spend their free time together.
Both enjoy reading really much and their most favourite book is "An imperial affliction" of Peter van Houten, but the book does not really have an real end, so Hazel an Gus contact the author, to answer their questions....

"The fault in our stars" of John Green is my 3rd book of him, and I pretty enjoy it.
From the two other I was not really stirred, in my opinion it was because of the German translation (I read them in German). But because nearly everyone loves John Green I tried it in English and it is so much better.

First I really like the cover, I am not sure why, but in my opinion the cover has really low details and that belongs to the story itself: Focus on the really important things in life.

Although the book is in English, it was quite easy to understand. John Greens writing style is pretty fluid (I am not sure, if you can say in English that you could read a text ‘flüssig’ :D) and full of emotions. You just have to feel with Hazel and Gus.
Their  lovestory is full of sadness and I had to cry often, but it was so lovely! I really enjoyed how John Green ‘worked’ with the worse topic cancer. The message of the book is clearly understandable: Don’t give up, although you are deadly ill. Live your life as long as you have the chance to do.

And this is the message a cancer book should give you!

All in all the only thing I can do is to say: Read the book if you did not yet!

Excuse me, that the review is so short, but my English skills are not that well, I have just written the ‘basic’ facts.


Nelebooks kommentierte am 28. November 2016 um 09:25

I love that book as well and can recommend it!