
Can't believe what I read here

The Royals - Paper Princess - Erin Watt

The Royals - Paper Princess
von Erin Watt

Bewertet mit 1.5 Sternen


I was really exciting about finally reading this because I really liked the blurb and I had so many good things about it.

The beginning was good and I was sure I was going to like it. But now after finishing it I am just annoyed and can hardly believe what I read here.

Ella is 17, a tough girl who had to live on her own for a long time. She was an ok charakter, can't say I really liked or disliked her. But honestly, how is this girl still walking straight? She is sexually assaulted, she is put down, people are playing pranks on her, there are sexual rumours. Everything is just sexual. This books is still set on a high school. Yes, teenagers do have sex but does a whole book set on an high school have to be about sex all the time?!
Don't let me start about the Royal boys...every single one of them is a jerk. A huge f*** jerk! I didn't like how they treated Ella, especially in the beginning, and I didn't like how they treated women in general. Their development throughout the book was far away from believable.

The whole story annoyed me more and more. I really can't understand the hype about this book and I am not curious at all how the story will continue.