Alle Rezensionen von lonechastesoul

First Touch - Laurelin Paige

First Touch
von Laurelin Paige

First and Last #1.

First Touch opens up to actress and TV sitcom star Emily Wayborn setting out to find former party friend after receiving a coded phone message. In their wild days they had shared men, sugar daddies and more. She masterminds an encounter with the man she suspects is behind her friend’s disappearance, heir and hotelier with rumored mafia ties, Reeve Sallis.

Come Back To Me - Mila Gray

Come Back To Me
von Mila Gray

Come Back To Me #1.

The story was a forbidden romance about a Marine, Kit Ryan, who was home on leave and drawn to the one girl he couldn't have, Jessa Kingsley... his best friend's little sister.

Love you, hate you, miss you - Elizabeth Scott

Love you, hate you, miss you
von Elizabeth Scott

Love you, hate you, miss you.

Amy und Julia sind Freundinnen - bis zu jenem verhängnisvollen Abend. Die beiden Mädchen haben einen Autounfall, bei dem Julia stirbt. Amy überlebt beinahe unverletzt. Amy vermisst ihre beste Freundin Julia und hat ziemliche Schuldgefühle, da sie sich die Schuld für Julias Tod gibt.

Forever Too Far - Abbi Glines

Forever Too Far
von Abbi Glines

Rosemary Beach #3.

This is the 3rd book in the Too Far book series with Rush and Blaire. It starts right up where it left off in Never Too Far. Forever Too Far was a WILDLY entertaining read. If you have enjoyed this series thus far, then you will enjoy the final installment of this series. It was a bit crazy but hey it was fun!

Awakening You - Jessica Sorensen

Awakening You
von Jessica Sorensen

Unraveling You #3.

Awakening You is the third book in Jessica Sorensen’s series Unraveling You and picks right up where the second book ends.

Memoirs of an imaginary friend - Matthew Green

Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend
von Matthew Green

Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend.

Many kids have imaginary friends, who last for varying periods of time, disappearing somewhere along the way as their creators grow up. What if they are not imaginary, but inhabit a strange twilight world where they can be seen only by one another, and the children who created them? The author builds his tale on this intriguing premise, and creates a fantasy world which is unique.

Dead Man's Island - John Escott

Dead Man's Island
von John Escott

For english learners.

Dead Man’s Island is written by John Escott, he writes books for people who start reading in English. I've read this with a boy whom I tutor in english.

The story is easy to read and understand, plus it's really short with lots of pictures. There is nothing to exciting and it is kinda predictable since the book title gives everything away.

Burn - Maya Banks

von Maya Banks

Breathless #3.

I enjoyed the third book in the Breathless SeriesBurn is the last book in the Breathless Trilogy by Maya Banks and in my opinion the best book of the series. Burn is sensual and erotically sexy without being over the top or hardcore.

Burn - Maya Banks

von Maya Banks

Breathless #3.

I enjoyed the third book in the Breathless SeriesBurn is the last book in the Breathless Trilogy by Maya Banks and in my opinion the best book of the series. Burn is sensual and erotically sexy without being over the top or hardcore.

Beauty from Love
von Georgia Cates

Beauty #3.

It’s the final book to Jack and Laurelyn’s story!

Shopaholic & Baby. Prada, Pumps und Babypuder, englische Ausgabe - Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic & Baby. Prada, Pumps und Babypuder, englische Ausgabe
von Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic #5.

Becky Brandon is pregnant! She couldn't be more overjoyed-especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery . . . to the latest, coolest pram . . . to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician.

It's a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol - Emma Chase

It's a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol
von Emma Chase

Tangled #4,5.

I know it's July but I was in the mood for Drew. I just cannot get enough of him.

The Rosie Project. Das Rosie-Projekt, englische Ausgabe - Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project. Das Rosie-Projekt, englische Ausgabe
von Graeme Simsion

Don Tillman #1.

Don Tillman is a brilliant scientist, but a helpless socialist. He is a 39 y/o socially inept scientist who lives his life based on strict rules. He never believed that love, romance and marriage was for him. But when a friend comments on his likeliness of being an excellent husband, he rethinks his possibilities.

Be With Me (Wait For You, Book 2) - J. Lynn

Be With Me (Wait For You, Book 2)
von J. Lynn

Wait for You #2.

Be with Me is the story of Teresa (Tess) and Jase. Jase is Cam’s best friend and Tess is Cam’s little sister. You can see where this is going, right? Although Jase and Tess have had feelings for one another since that shared kiss over a year ago, Jase has stayed away. Now that Tess is on the same college campus as Jase, it is so much harder for him to keep his distance.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - John Boyne

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
von John Boyne


Bruno is 9 and lives in Berlin in 1943 with his parents and 12 year old sister. They are wealthy and his father is an important soldier who is promoted to be the Commandant at Auschwitz.

The Claiming - Tara Sue Me

The Claiming
von Tara Sue Me

Submissive #8.5.

In The Claiming readers are thrown into a whirlwind where sexual fantasies, kink, and romance are in full effect as Cole and Sasha claim and proclaim their love and devotion to one another.

Everything, Everything - Nicola Yoon

Everything, Everything
von Nicola Yoon

This book was wonderful.

Everything, Everything is about a 18 year old girl named Madeline, who is pretty much allergic to the world. She has a rare disease called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, SCID for short, or known as "bubble baby disease." Just about anything can make her sick and that would be the end for her. Her world exists of her doctor mom, her nurse Carla and her books.

Never Too Far - Abbi Glines

Never Too Far
von Abbi Glines

Rosemary Beach #2.

After the traumatic cliffhanger we were left with at the end of Fallen Too Far, both our beloved characters are emotional train wrecks. Blaire has run away from Rosemary and from the man she loves, and is hoping to find solace in the familiarity of her home town.

Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck

Tortilla Flat
von John Steinbeck

Na ja.

Tortilla Flat ist eine Geschichte, die in der Zwischenkriegszeit in Kalifornien spielt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Danny und seine Freunde, allesamt sogenannte "paisanos", Nachfahren spanischsprachiger Einwanderer in Kalifornien; und allesamt sind sie arm wie Kirchenmäuse - bis Danny plötzlich völlig unerwartet zwei Häuser erbt, und seine Freunde einlädt, bei ihm zu wohnen.

megadas szepsege - Georgia Cates

megadas szepsege
von Georgia Cates

Beauty #2.

Beauty from Surrender takes place right where Beauty from Pain left off. Separated by several thousand miles and the Pacific Ocean. Laurelyn has returned to America and Jack has absolutely no idea how to find her. Jack hires a private detective to track Laurelyn down.
