
This not a romance novel.

Me Before You - Jojo Moyes

Me Before You
von Jojo Moyes

Bewertet mit 1 Sternen

Did anyone else notice that the ultimate message of this book is that a disabled life is not worth living, even despite a caring family, endless wealth, the best medical care, and (by the end of the book) a devoted, loving romantic partner? For a while I was enjoying the story, but by the end I was deeply distressed about the moral and ethical implications of the book's ending.

I had a hard time rating this book one star, because up until the end I really liked it. But the end is the most important part of every book because it's what stays with you and after that I just can't bring myself to rate it anything but one star.

I would have had an easier time understanding the book if he had been miserable until the end. If the book had showed us that his life really was miserable and he couldn't go on, it would have been incredibly sad and depressing, but I would get that. Let him die of pneumonia. That would be sad, but at least it wouldn't send such a disturbing message.

As it is, the book spends two thirds showing us that they can actually have happy moments and that he can actually love and be happy. But it's just not enough.

I am honestly shocked after reading all those 5 star reviews. Not because people liked the book, but because people somehow manage to get something "inspirational" and romantic out of it.  Seriously? I don't want to judge people for their opinion, but that's just disturbing.

For those of us with close friends or loved ones with similar disabilities, this is a disturbing and morally callous ending.